GUIDED: Second Spiral

Dear Mystic Soul and Deep Seeker,

Does this sound like you:

~ You're done with undermining your own knowing, or hiding your magic

~ You long to bring all parts of yourself together in harmony and wholeness

~ You feel the pull to get serious about your abilities, and let them enhance your life, not keep them under wraps or under-used

~ You want to be met in your myriad questions and doubts, and held in your becoming, as you're witnessed and encouraged by others just like you...

You are welcome to join this intimate group of magical women, for our next 10-week cycle:

GUIDED is the mentorship and practice group with a mission to support you in owning your inner Oracle and restoring her dignity, and reclaiming your place in the world, as you honour your true nature.

❈  A supportive sanctuary for your learning and practice, as you develop your abilities  

❈  A warm and intimate group space, letting you feel safe to explore AND inspired to expand. Weaving support, sovereignty and serious play.

❈  A source of accountability and encouragement, as you practise implementing your own guidance, and integrate it into your life and work in the way that feels most aligned for you.

GUIDED was created as a natural progression from my 1-1 work. I saw a need for this to deepen and expand in a group context, where potent shifts and integration are supported.

The beautiful witnessing and encouragement that have happened in this container to date are a joy to behold, as the women bring more their true Oracle nature into expression, and shape their lives to support this.

This group is an expression of my Soul calling, and my service to your highest and most fulfilling evolution.

I have navigated the dance between rational and mystical for much of my life, and understand what it takes to integrate and embody these dualities. I know the particular challenges faced on the path to owning the Oracle within, and how to overcome the doubt, the scepticism, the resistance.

I am here to help you alchemise these into deep self-knowing and trust, so you may reclaim your place of belonging, as your whole, unique, multidimensional self. I believe that it's time for Oracles to recognise themselves as such, and allow their gifts to bless their lives and work, so that we can be nourished in return. And to do this in a way that feels supportive and empowering, and completely aligned with your true nature.

★ Trust your Knowing   ★ Own your magic   ★ Claim your place


~ Tailored mentorship & guidance
~ Learning, growth and development
~ Practice, implementation, accountability
~ Community support and encouragement
~ Self-trust, empowerment, embodiment


✩ Fornightly live Zoom group (75-90 mins)
✩ 3 x days / week support via group chat
✩ Weekly theme / practice focus (via pdf or voice notes)
✩ Runs over 10 weeks; 6 live group sessions


✧ GUIDED Group Mentorship: €840 total
Option to pay in three monthly installments of €280

✧ GUIDED STAR Package available: combine the group with three private 1:1 sessions, at a special rate: €1,320
(Option to pay in three monthly installments of €440)

* Start date: Mon 20th May
Live group meetings fortnightly on Friday afternoons, 4pm Dublin/UK time.

First group call: Fri 31st May

> You can BOOK A CALL with me if you'd like to discuss whether it's a good fit before joining.

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